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Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is one of the top Polish comprehensive universities. Its reputation is founded on tradition, outstanding achievements of the faculty, and an attractive curriculum offered to students. The University currently employs 2,995 teaching staff, including 918 professors, 1,332 assistant professors, 745 senior lecturers and over 2,200 non-academic employees. The University was founded in 1919 and its current student population is nearly 38,000 (over 1,000 are international students), excluding the 1,300 PhD students. Students may choose from among 285 degree courses and 180 possible professional specializations. In recent years the educational offer has become increasingly diverse. The University continuously extends and updates research programs and contents of study curricula, with special emphasis on their interdisciplinary and international nature. New educational projects include: integrated studies in humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and new programs carried out in cooperation with other institutions both in Poland and abroad. The University is a center of academic excellence, where research and teaching are mutually sustaining, and where the context within which research is conducted and knowledge is sought and applied is international as much as regional and national. The mission of the University is to advance knowledge through high quality research and teaching in partnership with business, the professions, public services and other research and learning providers. AMU is a member of: EUA – European University Association, EUCEN – European University Continuing Education Network, The Compostela Group of Universities, The Santander Group – European University Network, European Chemistry Thematic Network, and other European Research Networks. Currently, 613 research projects are being carried out in international and national teams.-
The AMU Faculty of English (Wydział Anglistyki, WA), which will be responsible for the implementation of the project, is the largest centre of English studies not only in Poland but also in Europe. It has a long history, rich experience in didactics, and numerous research achievements both in Poland and abroad. The AMU Faculty of English offers full-time and part-time B.A. and M.A. programmes in English, a full-time B.A. in Dutch, and full-time and part-time Ph.D. studies. The full-time M.A. programme includes a particularly wide variety of specializations., including the teaching specialization, which prepares students to obtain the qualifications required to teach in state schools of all types. Moreover, WA offers two post-graduate programmes: Postgraduate EFL Teacher Training Studies and Postgraduate Studies in Community Interpreting. There are approximately 1,500 (full-time and parttime) B.A. and M.A. students and about 100 Ph.D. students currently studying at the Faculty. The teaching programme offered by WA is versatile and very attractive. It includes linguistics, literature, methodology of TEFL and other specialist courses (for example, information technology and voice coaching) as well as courses in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and other foreign language courses (Dutch, Afrikaans, German, French, Spanish, Welsh, Irish, as well as Frisian, Icelandic and Old Germanic languages). WA cooperates with 18 European universities in the Erasmus+ student mobility programme.
As a branch of the Bilingualism Matters — an internationally recognized centre at the University of Edinburgh, Bilingualism Matters @Poznań affiliated at the Faculty of English at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań aims to disseminate knowledge on bi/multilingualism and multiculturalism, as well as to encourage dialogue in academic circles and among the local community about benefits and challenges posed by these phenomena. The Bilingualism Matters @Poznań cooperates with parents, teachers, health professionals, policy makers, and employers.

Prof. Anna Ewert
Anna Ewert is a University Professor employed at the Faculty of English, AMU. Her research field is cognitive aspects of bilingualism and second language acquisition. She has served the international research community as member of the Executive Board of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA) for 4 years, and chaired the organizing committee of the 22nd annual conference of the European Second Language Association held in Poznań. As member of the Department of Applied English Linguistics and Language Teaching, she has experience as teacher trainer and consultant for various institutions in the Polish system of education, including the Greater Poland Education Board, the Teacher Training College at Pedagogical University in Słupsk and the College of Foreign Languages in Poznań. She has experience leading internally and externally financed research teams, including those financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as administrative experience as head of the English Centre and course co-ordinator for students in the combined degree Russian and English programme, training teachers of Russian and English for state schools of all levels for over 20 years. She also has experience at curriculum and syllabus development for various types of programmes and courses. She has been teaching an obligatory course in second language acquisition to students of English Studies at an undergraduate level for over 10 years now, as well as a range of elective courses and seminars in bilingualism at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels.

Prof. Aleksandra Wach
Aleksandra Wach is a University Professor employed at the Faculty of English, AMU. She has been actively involved in teacher training, conducting lectures, classes and seminars in the field of didactics of English as a Foreign Language. She has supervised BA students’ practicum at schools and thus has professional contacts with primary and secondary school teachers. Apart from teaching at the BA and MA levels, she conducts courses within the post-graduate teacher training program at the Faculty. She has taken part in various projects involving research-oriented and practice-oriented international cooperation. For example, in the years 2014-2016 she was the leader of the Polish team in an Erasmus+ strategic Partnerships for higher education project, “Effective Use of the EPOSTL by Student Teachers of English”. Her research interests evolve around learning and teaching foreign languages, including multilingual development and teaching multilingual learners, and foreign language teacher education at both pre- and in-service levels.

Prof. Michael Hornsby
Michael Hornsby, PhD (Southampton, UK), DLitt (AMU Poznań, Poland) is currently head of the Centre for Celtic Studies at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. He specialises in ‘new speaker’ studies, particularly from a minority language perspective. To date, his research has included investigations on the place of new speakers (or L2 language users) in contexts of revitalisation, particularly in Breton-, Lemko- and Yiddish-speaking communities of practice, and how their positions can be contested in inter-communal settings. He is also interested in how new speakers adapt their own stances as a result and adopt various legitimizing strategies in order to give meaning to their own sense of ‘speakerhood’.

Victoria Kishchak
Victoria Kishchak is the TEAM project manager. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Adam Mickiewicz and a lecturer of English at the WSB University in Poznan. Her main research interests focus on literacy development in monolingual and bi-/multilingual children with typical and atypical development. She is also interested in developmental dyslexia in L1 and L2.